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Help! My Fashion Snap Socket Doesn't Fit the Die

April 06, 2024

If your fashion snap socket (female) doesn't seem to fit in the die, please first check that you have the socket facing the right direction.  The side that clicks with the male should be facing down in the die; the side that touches the cap should be facing up in the die.  Here's a video tutorial:

If the socket is facing the right way, and you're having trouble clicking it into the socket die, try holding the female at an angle to the die, as shown in this video

If that still doesn't work:
  • Look closely at the center of the female piece. You'll see 2 little metal "lines" that run down on either edge of the center. Those lines have to be aligned properly to the die, otherwise they'll get in the way when you try to insert the female.

  • So if you press the female piece into the die, but it's not clicking into place, try rotating the female with your thumb and forefinger just a bit while continuing to press it into the die. At some point in the rotation, it should click into place.


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