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A Guide to KAM Snap Press Die Attachments - KAMsnaps®

January 21, 2018

What are Die Attachments?

Think of a sewing machine.  A needle is necessary to hold the thread so that the sewing machine can apply the thread to your fabric.  Without the needle, your sewing machine is useless.

It's the same concept with a snap fastener tool, whether it be handheld pliers or a table press. Dies are necessary to hold the snaps (or other fastener) so that the tool can apply the snaps to your fabric.  Without the dies, your fastener tool is useless.

KAM Snaps Dies for Press Setter Machine KAM Snaps Dies for Handheld Press Pliers Setter Tool


Which Dies Do I Need?

That's a 2-part question. 

Part 1. First, you need the dies that correspond to your fastener. 

  • If you're using size 20 plastic snaps, then your dies should be for size 20 plastic snaps. 
  • Size 16 plastic snaps need dies for size 16 plastic snaps. 
  • Size 16 open-ring metal snaps need dies for size 16 open-ring metal snaps.
  • 5mm grommet dies need dies for 5mm grommets.

You get the picture. Every size, type and style of fastener has its own dies.  And no fasteners are universal.  That means Brand A dies may not be compatible with Brand B snaps.  That's why it's important you purchase all of your supplies from the same source--to ensure compatibility.

 Example of Dies for Different Fasteners

KAM Snaps Dies for Press Setter Machine KAM Snaps Press Dies for Open Ring Metal Snaps KAMsnaps Press Dies for Line Metal Snaps Leather



Part 2. Your dies must also be compatible with your fastener tool.

  • If you're using KAM K1 hand pliers, then your dies should be for KAM K1 hand pliers.
  • K2 pliers need dies for K2 pliers.
  • KX handheld presses need dies for KX handheld presses.
  • DK93 table presses need dies for DK93 table presses.
  • DK98 table presses need dies for DK98 table presses.

Your dies must fit your particular tool. Again, since no dies or tools are universal, compatibility can only be guaranteed if you get your supplies from the same source.

Examples of Dies that Fit Different Tools

KAM Snaps Dies for Press Setter Machine KAM Snaps Dies for Press Setter Machine KAM Snaps Dies for Press Setter Machine Fasteners

To recap, you need dies that correspond to both your particular snap or other fastener and to your particular tool.

What Makes the KAMsnaps® KX Dies So Special?

As mentioned above, dies need to correspond to each specific tool. But our KX dies can actually be used for 3 different KAMsnaps®  tools. How is this possible?

Although each of the tools have different sized openings and threading types for the dies, we have created adapters (ie. connectors) for the table presses that will make the KX dies fit.

That means that KX dies will fit:

Remember, the adapters are only needed if you are using KX dies with a DK93 or DK98 table press.  They are *not* needed if you're using DK93 dies with a DK93 press, or DK98dies with a DK98press.

KAM KX Dies Compatible with Pliers DK98 DK93 Press

See How it Works with the DK93 Press


See How it Works with a DK98 Press

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