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April 12, 2018

You know you're snap obsessed when you lose sleep because you're thinking about all the projects you want to create using all those beautiful KAM snap colors. We also recently got in some limited edition engraved train snaps that are so adorable that I knew I needed some for my train enthusiast son.

This easy no-sew project uses felt with marine vinyl, and features a rainbow colored train design. The best part? It's an upcycled project that transforms a drab tin can that you might otherwise throw away into a beautiful decorative pencil holder!

Upcycle A Tin Can Into A Pencil Holder with KAM snap fasteners no-sew button snaps before after


Materials needed:


I created a rough sketch of the pattern and size for my trains. All the cutout felt shapes are very basic, so you can cut all your pieces freehand without a pattern. Just make sure that your pieces are fairly uniform in size/shape. I also recommend leaving no sharp corners, as rounded edges provide a nicer finished look.

Upcycle A Tin Can Into A Pencil Holder Felt Train Pattern

Upcycle A Tin Can Into A Pencil Holder Cut Felt Pieces Rounded Corners


All your cutout felt pieces will look like this.

Upcycle A Tin Can Into A Pencil Holder DIY no sew train felt pattern rainbow


Lay out your snaps for the wheel and star embellishments. These snaps are purely decorative, so only the caps (round and star parts) are of importance. The backs can be either sockets or studs (use whichever you have on hand) to secure the caps to the felt pieces.

Train Themed Tin Can Pencil Holder with Snap Fasteners Design


Poke a hole in your felt piece with your awl.

Poke hole with awl to mark place to set snap fasteners


Using your  KAM snap pliers  or  KAMsnaps KX8J professional handheld press , install your snaps as shown.

Hand Pliers Press Install Snaps Socket Stud Caps

Upcycle A Tin Can Into A Pencil Holder DIY no sew train install snap fasteners


Hot glue each wheel and star felt piece onto your trains. Then hot glue the train onto a measured, cut piece of marine vinyl. 

Felt rainbow train with snap fasteners hot glue in place


Assemble your decorative snaps at the top and bottom of your trains. 

DIY Rainbow train pattern tutorial with KAM snap fasteners colorful


Install your snaps.

Colorful rainbow KAM snap no-sew fasteners installed with hand press


Wrap your marine vinyl around your tin can, and use your awl to poke holes where your snaps will be set. 

  Upcycle A Tin Can Into A Pencil Holder DIY no sew with marine vinyl and snap fasteners


Install your sockets-caps ( engraved train snaps) on one end of your marine vinyl as shown.

Upcycle A Tin Can Into A Pencil Holder DIY no sew snap fasteners engraved train snaps


Install your studs-caps on the other side of your marine vinyl as shown.

Install studs caps KAM snaps with hand press pliers no sewing required


Your installed snaps will look like this (front, back, and closeup).

Felt rainbow train DIY no-sew craft project with KAM snap fasteners

Marine vinyl rainbow train DIY no-sew craft project with KAM snap fasteners

Felt rainbow train DIY no-sew craft project with KAM snap fasteners engraved train snaps


Wrap your marine vinyl around your tin can and snap together. Now watch your train obsessed son's eyes light up when he spots his new choo choo pencil holder!

Convert upcycle a tin can into a colorful rainbow train themed pencil cup holder

Convert upcycle a tin can into a colorful rainbow train themed pencil cup holder



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